Post Travel Depression

It was about 3-4wks after I returned from my last overseas trip - my career break was officially over and I had no plans to travel overseas for leisure. Not having a job, temporarily living out of my Mum’s house, and sad that I wasn’t overseas anymore, the depression hit me unexpectedly.

I felt like I was mourning the loss of the ‘old me’ - the ‘fun me’.

I’m a person who likes to have direction in my life so, being in a state of flux was unsettling - to say the least. I was sad for a day - I cannot imagine what it’s like to suffer from depression and deal with it on a more regular basis.

If you’re planning on taking some extended time off, it’s worthwhile preparing for the ‘post holiday blues’ when you return.

Something I found helpful in combatting it was being mindful and grateful for how lucky I am to have experienced that time away - that freedom. While I don’t wish sadness on anyone, I hope you realise that if you experience this kind of sadness, it is because you live a wonderful life and have just experienced something most would kill for.